Hiring a night nanny

A night nanny is a carer who is on hand during the night, they assist parents of new born babies. Night nannies don’t have to be a long-term arrangement. They can be employed purely to help new parents or parents with other children settle in and adjust to the new routine that a new born baby will bring to the household once they arrive home.

The purpose of a night nanny is to help parents regain their much needed rest, ready for the day time duties, work, caring for other family members or responsibilities they may have.

Tips for and Benefits of Hiring a Night Nanny:
  • Experience is key, your potential employee should have a wealth of experience with new born. This is not including their own children.
  • Knowledge of how to ease common new born symptoms such as colic, reflux, sleeping difficulty, wind etc. is a massive advantage and will make a nanny more suitable for this role.
  • Your nanny does not need to live-in there will be no additional preparation needed.
  • Your emotional and mental state could improve a great deal. The additional rest you will have will help with this.
  • Your working day will be a lot easier to get through, as there is no longer of lack of sleep or constant sleep disruption.
  • You may learn some new parenting skills that you never considered before. Often night nannies will attend training events to remain up to date, this knowledge you could benefit from.